Designed on the basis of our multiple stage dryer that have proven itself for more than 10 years,
here is the adjustable hopper for standard elevator sold in kit form.
Its capacity can be easily increased by adding side extensions.
Puede aumentar fácilmente su capacidad agregando extensiones laterales de 50 cm de altura.
El vaciado se realiza gracias a un ascensor.
Transport is carried out using a conveyor belt.
The height of the hopper is 0.60 m from the floor, but as the assembly is modular, it can be easily leveled with the floor or at 0.60 m to be possible to pour through a lifting mat. The height at
standard is 2 m. The hopper is equipped with a thick mesh screen welded to the top of the hopper,
increasing its capacity by adding extensions:
Funnel volume: 2.5x3 m = 4m3 for a height of 2 m
Funnel volume: 2.5x3 m = 4m3 + 3 m3 for a height of 2.5 m
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