The UNIFOX the most important news in 2016 the range Checchi & Magli
First presented at Agritechnica, the world premiere of the new transplanter is evolution
FOX, hugely popular machine that has marked the history of Checchi & Magli for their qualities
simplicity, versatility and excellent value for money. Keeping the same characteristics and
universal transplant system proven to produce seedlings with bare roots, with root ball,
the new UNIFOX is a more modern and advanced machine, with much better performance. Each of the units
transplantation has in fact been provided with rubber wheels forward with the result of better traction,
better adaptation to the ground and maximum precision in the transplant away interpianta.
The UNIFOX transplanter is available in versions 1 to 6 lines with the possibility of customization according
with different usage requirements; Also provided DT version with double frame (2 to 7 files)
for the distance between lines of less than 50 cm to a minimum of 25 cm.